Log in to your account and click "Manage Subscription" to change your order frequency.
What is Frequency?
The Frequency setting determines how often a product ships. If you have too much product, set the frequency with more days between boxes. If your products run out just ahead of renewal, decrease the number of days.
Some products last about 30 days, while other products, like DEO, Retinol Stick, and large sizes last longer than 30 days for a lot of guys. Use frequency to match your usage. Get what you need, when you need it.
Active Subscription Editing
To make changes, click Manage this Subscription. That will open the control windows shown below.
Each Active item is an independent subscription that is edited on its own.
Save Changes to Apply Edits
Heads up! Now that the Frequency is all set, check your renewal date.
The first renewal date doesn't change, so move that product date to avoid getting an order before you're ready. You'll see the new frequency sets your order dates going forward until it is changed.
Save Changes to Apply Edits